Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The Photo above is again taken in Luton Town Centre. What i really like about this photo is that you can't see what they are building behind, because it is masked off and it makes you think about what is going to be behind. I like the way the crain is hang over the edge aswell, it adds some interest to the picture, also i feel the colours in th photo make you carm and cool becaus they are bright.
The image above was taken from Luton shopping centre. I added this photo because i like it for many reasons. First i feel the composition of the photo is a good look and has a very natural feel to the picture, this was because they didnt no i was taken it. I'm able to put it up due to the fact that you can't see any of there faces clearly. Also i like it because of the lighting in the image, the way the sun has broken through the window and has created an interesting contrast on light and dark areas in to the image. The last reason is the angle i took the photo at.

This is another picture that i took at the airport, but this is of cars leaving the airport, it makes me think have they been away somewhere hot and come back or have they dropped a loved one or friend to go away, or maybe picked someone up. There are many things that that this picture could tell you about. Another reason i really like this picture is that it starts really dark and then there is a sudden burst of light which shows you two cars which are quite faint looking. This is an image i would edit on photo-shop.

This photo was taken at Luton/London Airport, it shows a women running with her luggage as she is clearly late for her flight and needs to get there quick! I really like the look of this picture because it is something that happens to a lot of people and people who look at the picture can relate to the picture. What makes this image really good is the amount of natural light as it brightens up the whole image. When editing the image to follow the mood of the image i could try making it black and white to give a dull look! Another idea, could be to make it look like an old photo so it seems like it when a lot of migrants came to Luton.