Monday, 3 May 2010


The project title for this brief was Everyday Life and I had to get a load of photographs of everyday life which is basically anything. For my finals 6, I made the theme name of “Destination Unknown” which meant looking at a person or a car etc. Going somewhere but no knowing where it would be going to. I felt this was a good theme to follow down because it gave a wide scope to look at different aspects of life. In my six photographs I looked at travel, post, and people. I feel that the post box photograph was a very in depth photo to look at for the unknown destination.

My first photograph was of a man walking down a set of stairs in a multi-story car park. I feel that the photo to start with was captured well because of the natural light that appears. When I edited the photo I just used the brightness and contrast tool to make the photo stand out and look even better, and this tool gave it a great look and did for most of my photographs. I feel that the negative space around the man is an aspect that also makes it stand out loads and the bold colours of the brick wall make it stand out. I had another shoot with the same man and this was down the same stairs but high up and the lighting didn’t play well that time, which is why I used the photo I did.

The next photograph I used was of a car using the underpass by the airport, I thought this was a good photo because there were a few different stories of what could have been going on e.g. dropping someone off, coming back from a holiday etc. After editing the photograph I use the photo that was black and white because I felt it made the mood better and gave it a creepy feel. Again in this photograph the light is a really good aspect that helps improve the look of the picture. To edit it, I used the desturate tool and then played with brightness and contrast to give this great look. There was another shoot similar but you couldn’t see the car to well which is why I used this photo.

The next one was of a lady running with her bags to the airport, as she is behind and running a bit late. I felt this one fit well in the theme because it gave such a wide range of unknown places she could have been going. To edit the photo I used the desturate tool and then played with brightness and contrast again as it gives such a stand out, bold feel to the image. I feel that there is a weakness in the photograph because of the angle I got, but there is not much I could do because it was just a quick snap, and was not set up. There wasn’t another photo I could have used which is why I used this one.

The one of the post box, is a really in depth look at destination unknown and looking at where the post would end up. I really like the fact that it is a close up as it takes up most of the photo frame and makes a good statement. I used a colour photograph so that it would stand out; being as the red colour the royal mail use is a bright and bold to make it stand out on the street. All I did to edit the photo was to make it bright and bold by playing with the contrast and again I feel that this has given it a really successful look. I didn’t use the other one of the post box because there was too much going on around the photo and wasn’t as successful.

The second to last photo that I have used was of a line of taxis waiting to be used, I felt that this was another photo that when looked at would be thought about but afterwards you could see that where is this next taxi going to end up. Again when I edited it I did the same as I did for the lady running and the underpass ones because it gave such a bold effect. I feel that the contrast plays well. I feel that I could have taken more photos just different angles which could have improved the photo.

The last of my photographs was of a lorry on the motorway which I felt fitted well in my theme of Destination Unknown. Again the natural sun light plays well and makes it very noticeable in a crowd. With the photo I played with the curves which made it a lot better to look at. I was very stuck with what photo to decide to use though because I had two very decent photographs of lorry’s but this one stood out that little more. Over all though i feel that my final six work very well as a group and on there own.

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